We can’t take credit for the creativity, ingenuity, or impeccable hosting abilities on this one – but we appreciate the heck out of our friends who can. For the third consecutive year, our foodie friends strung together what can only be described as mollusk madness. An elegant and slurpable ocean-themed feast we can’t help but …
It’s election year again and we can’t think of any time in history that’s been more divisive. As neighbors clash over opposing viewpoints, political tensions reach their peak, cities burn to the ground, and candidates and flies alike battle for the limelight, finding common ground is more difficult than ever. But over here at PWA …
It comes as no surprise that many trick-or-treating festivities are being cancelled nationwide this Halloween. Many neighborhoods are foregoing the up close and personal interactions for the sake of safety. For kids, this means missing out on the thrill of running from door to door, collecting an assortment of loot and making mental notes of …
“Oooh, hot boy!” she giggled from across the kitchen of the Bhum Thai cookery school. No, she wasn’t eyeing up my husband. She was just amused by his insatiable desire to add more chili peppers to his food. I couldn’t help but do a little dance (spatula in hand) chanting “hot boy” for the next …
The van was slowly bump, bump, bumping its way down the back alley. We were passing by a herd of goats to the left and two little boys play fighting in front of us. Matt and I looked at each other and with only our eyes communicating, we secretly wondered where exactly this van was …
“If I ever have an affair, it’s going to be with cheese.” Yes friends, those are the words of a cheese fiend. The words of my fiancé. Should I be worried? I figure as long as I keep our fridge stocked with cheese at all times, the man shouldn’t stray too far from his own …
“Like strawberry wine and seventeen The hot July moon saw everything My first taste of love oh bittersweet Green on the vine Like strawberry wine” For days, the lyrics trailed down the hallway. Spilling from the bathroom walls into my office to disrupt my concentration and make me hum along. Ever since I mentioned it …
Food on the grill and sunbathing on beaches. Corn on the cob and fresh picked ripe peaches. Bright colored bikinis tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things. Among those favorite things is also a good cocktail. At night I am usually a manhattan drinker and most days Matt and I …
In our house, Matt is the master of all things wine. I mostly just drink it and nod my head in approval of his selections. His background on the subject means he picks his bottle based on region, varietal, producer, and vintage. While I have learned a few things from him over the years, I’m …
It’s finally here – SPRING! March 20th might mark the official start of the season, but it’s not until the first local vegetables drop that the humdrum of winter is erased. It may have only been 30 degrees and the coffee may have been used as equal parts energy booster and hand warmer, but yesterday …