To New Adventures

Approximately one year ago…

Megan : “We should quit our jobs and travel the world for a year.”

Matt : Rolling his eyes, “Yeah, sure.”

*Cue mocking laughter*

Things over here at Port Wine and Adventure have been a little dry lately. When you’re saving your pennies and binging Netflix is your primary activity of choice, content is tough to come by. But friends, that all changes this month.

For the past year, Matt and I have been gearing up to embark on our biggest adventure to date. Hours of reading and research, turning down countless invitations, and Amazon orders up to our ears are what the past few months have been made of.

Tomorrow evening we will be boarding a plane to Iceland to tie the knot where we first fell in love years ago.

As if getting married wasn’t exciting enough, we decided – What the hell? Let’s continue traveling east until we’ve circumnavigated the entire globe. Go big or go home? Going BIG seems to be the only option for this duo.

Revealing our news to family and friends has been met with a variety of responses. A mix of joy, astonishment, a little bit of envy, and those closest to us completely unfazed by what only seemed to be the next logical move. Then there were the mothers, chock-full of concern.

I’ll admit, we too, have been riddled with some fears any sane person making a leap of this nature would experience.

What if we fail? What if we run out of money? What if we end up severely injured in a hospital where nobody speaks our language. What if we contract some obscure disease that leaves us unable to run in the middle of a jungle where giant human-sized bats eat our organs? Okay, that last fear may not cross everyone’s mind, but the point is we could come up with a million WHAT IF scenarios.

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” 

– Helen Keller

What if we never took a chance on an adventure of a lifetime? What if we let fear dictate our next move and stayed complacent in a life that was “just fine.” What if we settled for a steady income but with no real growth?

With so many unanswered questions, there is only one thing that holds true. Time does not stop for anyone. Whether you race through life or “stop to smell the roses”, the hands on the clock move at the same pace. So together we’ve chosen to face our fears and all that could go wrong for the possibility of everything that could, and hopefully will, go right. Is it a bold move? Most definitely. A wise one? Only time will tell.

We’re not sure exactly where this journey will lead, but we hope you’ll follow along with us wherever the wind blows.

Let us know in the comments what your worst fear on a trip around the world would be. And if you’ve ever encountered a human-sized bat, please tell us they’re not so scary after all.


Megan + Matt


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  1. Carol M.

    How exciting!! I can’t say I’m surprised at this coming from you two. You’re made for each other!! I’m looking forward to reading all about your adventures.

  2. Kenneth Clark

    With all the bad things happening around the world, being TAKEN would be my biggest fear. Just remember…I’m not Liam Neeson. …..and Matt, ya better not come home alone! Love ya both….Have a great time, and keep in touch.

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  3. Liz C

    Oh the places you will go. Here’s to new beginnings! Can’t wait to follow you on your journeys around the globe. Miss you guys already. ❤

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